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I found this because I was confused as to why that short hair girl kicked him in the crotc...

Anonymous May 8, 2021 1:50 pm

I found this because I was confused as to why that short hair girl kicked him in the crotch. Turns out it is because they were accusing him of being a pervert despite the fact him and that other guy just wanted to save people. Kinda similar to society. Men making sacrifices for women only for them to label them all as predators yet be very predatory themselves towards men when they want sex. I see this way too much in manga and furthermore in anime. Like why can't you make a good manga that isn't filled with stuff for guys that they didn't ask for? Guys like action but it doesn't have to be filled with sexual stuff you know? I'm not a straight male so I can't relate but when you watch ecchi do you just keep popping a boner through out reading it? Because otherwise I don't understand the need for it? Just kinda adds to the stereotype all men want sex which is toxic and leads to male victims of assault at the hands of women not to be believed. They'll say things like we'll you probably wanted it anyway or well you got hard so you just of wanted it. Fucking gross.
Why can't talented artists be talented and not be a total perv about it?
